How to open in new window using javascript -

this code. how can open url in new window?

$(document).ready(function() {     var e = new date,         t = (e.getdate(), e.getmonth()),         l = e.getfullyear(),         = $("#calendar").fullcalenda‌​ r({             header: {                 left: "prev,next today",                 center: "title",                 right: "month,agendaweek,agendaday"             },             defaultview: "month",             se‌lectable: !0,             selecthelper: !0,             select: function(e, t, l) {                 var n = prompt("event title:");                 n && a.fullcalendar("renderevent", {                     title: n,                     start: e,                     end: t,                     allday: l                 }, !0), a.‌fullcalendar("unselect")             },             editable: !0,             events: [{                 title: "click google",                 start: new date(l, t, 28),                 end: new date(l, t, 29),                 url: "";             }]         }) });                              

think need create custom eventclick callback control click event ( should able use open desired url in new window.

seriously though, saying plugin you're using start, , maybe little more in way of background issue.
