scatter plot - Difficulties with 3D scatterplot, : -

im trying create scatterplot including 3 diffrent datasets z-values different. means x-y coordinates same z-coordinates different.

3d plot  library(scatterplot3d) s3d6=scatterplot3d  (mainjib,               # x axis                       knucklejib,            # y axis                      sigma_section6,        # z axis                      color="blue", pch=19,  # filled blue circles                      type="h",              # lines horizontal plane                     xlab="hovedbom v.[grader]",                    ylab="knekkbom v.[grader]",                    zlab="spenning [n/mm2]")  s3d.coords <- s3d$xyz.convert(mainjib, knucklejib, sigma_section6)      text(s3d.coords$x, s3d.coords$y,                                          labels=row.names(log.mat_sec6),                                      cex=.5, pos=4)                                                    par(new=true)  library(scatterplot3d) s3d9=scatterplot3d     (mainjib,               # x axis                         knucklejib,            # y axis                        sigma_section9,        # z axis                        color="red", pch=19,  # filled red circles                        type="h",              # lines horizontal plane                      xlab="hovedbom v.[grader]",                     ylab="knekkbom v.[grader]",                     zlab="spenning [n/mm2]")  s3d.coords <- s3d$xyz.convert(mainjib, knucklejib, sigma_section9)      text(s3d.coords$x, s3d.coords$y,                                                labels=row.names(log.mat_sec9),                                    cex=.5, pos=4)    

this works extend x-axis , z-axis bugged, shown in picture. add set of data plot im not sure how it, if glad. best reards ![bugged axis][1]
