swift - Properties and Allocating Memory -

i hacking way through swift. love find myself thinking few things may simple , question if it's correct.

i converting project objective-c. in project have string property use in method. in objective-c did following initialize , allocate object. once it's initialized , allocated set empty string.

nsmutablestring *tempstring = [[nsmutablestring alloc] init]; self.currentparsedcharacterdata = tempstring; [currentparsedcharacterdata setstring: @""]; 

in swift typed following. easy or missing something?

self.currentparsedcharacterdata = "" 

i find myself wanting following i'm not sure it's necessary.

var tempstring : string = "" self.currentparsedcharacterdata = tempstring 

take care,


yes, easy. in objective-c, have typed self.currentparsedcharacterdata = @"".mutablecopy , achieved same effect.

@"" in objective-c , "" in swift object literals allocate memory , initialise you. equally arrays, can @[] empty nsarray or [] empty array (in swift) allocate , initialise empty array.
