android - Change color of view but keep ripple and touch state -

out of box can white ripple/touch state from: ?attr/selectableitembackground have ability color , ripple , touch state works based off color set. nice if via android:theme

i need work api 15+

i know can selector , ripple have selector per color since can not attr in xml pre api 21.

if set color background ripple , touch state doesnt work.

i simple , reusable possible.

is there missing or solution relatively clean.

what you've posted true:

  • it's not possible create ripple selector specifying color
  • it's not possible use theme attributes in xml using api < 21

i don't think there more using library or coding yourself. code can generate ripples, use theme attributes , more.

i had same problem , wrote bunch of classes easy ripple creation. example theme colors wrote simple class of colorstatelist:

public class controlcheckedcolorstatelist extends colorstatelist {     public controlcheckedcolorstatelist(context context) {         super(new int[][]{                 new int[]{android.r.attr.state_checked},                 new int[]{}         }, new int[]{                 getthemecolor(context, r.attr.colorprimary),                 getthemecolor(context, r.attr.colorcontrol)         });     }      public static int getthemecolor(context context, int attr) {         resources.theme theme = context.gettheme();         typedvalue typedvalueattr = new typedvalue();         theme.resolveattribute(attr, typedvalueattr, true);         return typedvalueattr.resourceid != 0 ? context.getresources().getcolor(typedvalueattr.resourceid) :;     } } 

then i've added attributes ripple color , style. had override setbackground methods setting ripple view doesn't clear background. setting ripple custom color simple as:

<carbon.widget.button     android:background="#ffffffff"     app:carbon_ripplecolor="#40ff0000"     android:layout_width="wrap_content"     android:layout_height="wrap_content" /> 

lots , lots of lines of code, don't think it's reasonable post of here. if wish, can open widget class library , check if it's you're looking for. can find code on github. in case of questions feel free ask.
