- Read values from Detail table of RadGrid Batch Edit -

can please answer ,how read values detail table of radgrid, able read using batcheditcommand master table not detail table while clicked on savechanges button:

 protected sub raddataentry_batcheditcommand(sender object, e telerik.web.ui.gridbatcheditingeventargs) handles raddataentry.batcheditcommand         dim newvalues hashtable         dim oldvalues hashtable         each command gridbatcheditingcommand in e.commands             if (command.type = gridbatcheditingcommandtype.update)                 newvalues = command.newvalues                 oldvalues = command.oldvalues                 dim id string = newvalues("id").tostring()             end if         next      end sub 

in batch edit settings of grid under mastertable element, make sure have set saveallhierarchylevels true

<batcheditingsettings saveallhierarchylevels="true" />
