hash - Read hashes in Perl based on keys -

i have hash in perl below. there are:

%typemethodsmap = (     check_rep_exists  => "1_abc",     check_jdk_version  => "2_abc",     check_blocks_failed  => "1_xyz",     check_or_exists => "2_xyz",     check_upg_exists => "3_xyz",     check_sso_exists => "4_xyz" ); 

when hash read, keys not read defined read randomly. needs read , run through loop on hash based on ascending format of keys i.e. check_blocks_failed, followed check_or_exists followed check_upg_exists , check_sso_existsfor value "1_xyz", "2_xyz", "3_xyz" , "4_xyz" respectively.

please let me know if body can me here?

yes. design, hash keys random order.

there's bunch of reasons - covered in perlsec , keys - long , short of if need preserve key ordering, need use sort.

or slice:

my @order = qw ( first second third );   %hash = ( second => 'a', third => 'b', first => 'c' );  print "@hash{@order}"; 


foreach $key ( @order ) {     print "$key = $hash{$key}\n"; } 

arrays explicitly ordered numerically. hashes explicitly unordered (or random order).

if you're custom sorting, can use function returns -1, 0 or 1 based on value of comparison.

cmp strings, , <=> numbers.

notes custom sorting, might this:

use strict; use warnings;  use data::dumper;  %typemethodsmap  = (     check_rep_exists  => "1_abc",     check_jdk_version  => "2_abc",     check_blocks_failed  => "1_xyz",     check_or_exists => "2_xyz",     check_upg_exists => "3_xyz",     check_sso_exists => "4_xyz", );  @order = qw(     check_rep_exists      check_jdk_version      check_blocks_failed       check_or_exists      check_upg_exists     check_sso_exists  );  $count = 0;  %magic_order = map { $_ => $count++ } @order; print dumper \%magic_order;  sub custom_sort {     return $magic_order{$a} <=> $magic_order{$b}; }  foreach $key ( sort { custom_sort } keys %typemethodsmap ) {    print $key,"\n"; } 

although note - isn't more efficient, it's merely intended illustrate 'custom sorting'. alternatively - if you're wanting sort based on 'keys' being sorted:

sub custom_sort {     ( $a_number, $a_text ) = split ('_',$a);     ( $b_number, $b_text ) = split ( '_', $b );      if ( $a_number == $b_number ) {        return $a_text cmp $b_text;      }     else {         return $a_number <=> $b_number     } } 

this sort numerically first, , alphabetically second. (swap <=> , cmp if want opposite).
