Retrieve vote amount variables from function in PHP and enter into meter gauge plugin -

i trying extract total number of likes associated different posts wti post pro wordpress plugin, subtract number of unlikes , feed total meter gauge (gaugepress in wordpress...which suspiciously similar found in

the meter this: (see link don't have reputation post images)

in addition, need 1 'like' (vote) represent several 'units' on meter, e.g. 1 = 8 units.

i've tried asking authors of both plugins, have had no response.

here code wti post pro:

function getwtilikecount($post_id) {  global $wpdb;  $show_symbols = get_option('wti_like_post_show_symbols');  $wti_like_count = $wpdb->get_var("select sum(value) {$wpdb->prefix}wti_like_post post_id = '$post_id' , value >= 0");  if (!$wti_like_count) {  $wti_like_count = 0;  } else {  if ($show_symbols) {  $wti_like_count = "+" . $wti_like_count;  } else {  $wti_like_count = $wti_like_count;  }  }  return $wti_like_count;  }  /**  * unlike count post  * @param $post_id integer  * @return string  */  function getwtiunlikecount($post_id) {  global $wpdb;  $show_symbols = get_option('wti_like_post_show_symbols');  $wti_unlike_count = $wpdb->get_var("select sum(value) {$wpdb->prefix}wti_like_post post_id = '$post_id' , value <= 0");  if (!$wti_unlike_count) {  $wti_unlike_count = 0;  } else {  if ($show_symbols) {  } else {  $wti_unlike_count = str_replace('-', '', $wti_unlike_count);  }  }  return $wti_unlike_count;  }

so firstly, need each 'like' represent 8 units on meter, , need total figure enter gauge represents number of likes, subtracted number of unlikes. like:

$new_total_figure = ($wti_like_count * 8) - ($wti_unlike_count * 8)

and know if "$new_total_figure" can entered shortcode gaugepress?

something like:

[gauge width="400px" height="220px" value="$new_total_figure" min="0" max="150" title="first gauge" label="km" showminmax="true" color="#e16300" backcolor="#ededed" widthscale="0.8"]

if knows how gauge, rather gaugepress, good.

