YII2 submit a form with a given model value -

how add default value model save?

+--------------+--------------+- | field        | type         | +--------------+--------------+- | id           | int(11)      | ->auto increment | grant        | double(12,2) | | lcc          | double(12,2) | | encoded_by   | int(11)      | ->foreign key tbl_user +--------------+--------------+- 

here html form code.

<?= $form->field($model, 'grant')->textinput() ?>  <?= $form->field($model, 'lcc')->textinput() ?> 

the error on submit..

sqlstate[23000]: integrity constraint violation: 1452 cannot add or update child row: foreign key constraint fails (ncddp.tbl_sp_bub, constraint tbl_sp_bub_ibfk_2 foreign key (encoded_by) references user (id)) sql being executed was: insert tbl_sp_bub (grant, lcc) values (2, 2)

i understand there should value encoded current users id.

i tried this.

<?= $form->field($model, 'grant')->textinput() ?>  <?= $form->field($model, 'lcc')->textinput() ?> <? $model->encoded_by=yii::$app->user->identity->id ?> 

and in controller...

public function actioncreate()     {         $model = new tblspbub();         $model->encoded_by=yii::$app->user->identity->id;//my code         if ($model->load(yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->save()) {             return $this->redirect(['index']);         } else {             return $this->renderajax('create', [                 'model' => $model,             ]);         }     } 

but no avail...

there built-in behavior solve called blameablebehavior. here usage case. add model:

public function behaviors() {     return [         [             'class' => blameablebehavior::classname(),             'createdbyattribute' => 'encoded_by',             'updatedbyattribute' => false, // set false if need automatically update on create         ],     ]; } 

and no need handle manually.
