ios - UITextfield pointer to another UITextfield not updating text -

i have class contains multiple textfields. 2 of these textfields allow user enter password , password confirmation.

@property (nonatomic, strong) uitextfield *password; @property (nonatomic, strong) uitextfield *passwordconfirmation; 

i have created new class handles displaying password strength. class contains 2 properties password , password confirmation (as other code handles checking of password , displaying strength).

@interface passwordchangeview : uiview   @property (nonatomic, strong) iboutlet uitextfield *password;  @property (nonatomic, strong) iboutlet uitextfield *passwordconfirmation; 

inside first class create property of passwordchangeview , set 2 properties original properties.

 @property (nonatomic weak) iboutlet passwordchangeview *passwordchangeview;   self.password = self.passwordchangeview.password;  self.passwordconfirmation = self.passwordchangeview.passwordconfirmation; 

i have checked in debugger , pointers same.

however when enter text into: self.passwordchangeview.password, text in self.password remains same.

i have thought because both point same object, changing text in 1 uitextfield update other one.

if question not clear enough, please let me know , edit straight away. appreciated.

many thanks.

because pointers same, both point same thing. if set *b = *a, changing text of *b cause outlet of *a update.

you need set text of both @ same time, without changing pointers.
