java - commons-email HTML message problems -

hopefully quick one.

essentially using apache commons email v1.3.3 , trying send html format email. have followed user guide email receiving not resolving html in client view in, of support html..

here snippet of code sending it:

htmlemail email = new htmlemail();     email.setsubject(subject);     email.setto(getrecipients(recipients));     email.sethtmlmsg(htmlmsg);     email.settextmsg(alternativemsg);     try {         this.mailserver.send(email);     }     catch (emailexception e) {         logger.error("an error occurred sending email. ", e);     } 

now lets html this:

<html>some text in html <p> blah blah blah </html>

i receiving plain text content above.

could please highlight missing?



having made use of debug feature, can see content-type remains plain/text. resolve issue have instead done this:

email.setcontent(htmlmsg, emailconstants.text_html);

i have been using commons-email library quite time. think, set message using setmsg() method instead of sethtmlmsg(). rewrite code below, , should work fine.

htmlemail email = new htmlemail();     email.setsubject(subject);     email.setto(getrecipients(recipients));     email.setmsg(htmlmsg);      try {         this.mailserver.send(email);     }     catch (emailexception e) {         logger.error("an error occurred sending email. ", e);     } 

there problem faced html email. library adds <pre> tag our message, , makes styles , alignments bit odd. had override setmsg() overcome problem.
