Nomethoderror Ruby on rails -

i'm having nomethoderror specifically:

nomethoderror (undefined method `verify_password' nil:nilclass):

when running ruby on rails server above error

and when attempting use method:

nomethoderror: undefined method `password_hash' #

class user < activerecord::base     validates_presence_of :username, :salt, :password_hash      def self.create_with_password(username, password)       salt = securerandom.hex       password_hash = self.generate_hash(password, salt)       self.create(         username: username,         salt: salt,         password_hash: password_hash       )     end      def verify_password(password)       self.password_hash == user.generate_hash(password, self.salt)     end      def self.generate_hash(password, salt)           digest =       digest.update(password)       digest.update(salt)       digest.to_s     end 

thats code i'm using atm

i have managed solve ">nomethoderror: undefined method `password_hash' # class user < activerecord::base validates_presence_of :username, :salt, :password_hash" problem

although ">nomethoderror (undefined method `verify_password' nil:nilclass):" still persists, code

class applicationcontroller < actioncontroller::base   # prevent csrf attacks raising exception.   # apis, may want use :null_session instead.   # protect_from_forgery with: :exception    def home    end    def register     render layout: 'sign'     end   # post request   def login     @username = params[:username]     @password = params[:password]      user = user.where(username: @username).first      if       valid = user.verify_password(@password)     else       if valid         session[:signed_in] = true         session[:username] = params[:username]         redirect_to '/home'       else         redirect_to '/sign-in.html'       end       redirect_to '/sign-in.html'     end   end     def logout     reset_session      redirect_to '/home'   end end 

i'm not 100% sure why problem persist if models working proof testing in console works

2.1.5 :001 > user.create_with_password('help', 'pls')    (0.4ms)  begin transaction   sql (0.8ms)  insert "users" ("password_hash", "username", "salt") values (?, ?, ?)  [["password_hash", "f9216ad1e04d111473435268e0afac3cfa66eb53eb95bd42a793c7515790b707"], ["username", "help"], ["salt", "8697d61a06cf6b501823d991db978000"]]    (11.6ms)  commit transaction  => #<user id: 7, username: "help", salt: "8697d61a06cf6b501823d991db978000", password_hash: "f9216ad1e04d111473435268e0afac3cfa66eb53eb95bd42a7...">  2.1.5 :002 > user = _  => #<user id: 7, username: "help", salt: "8697d61a06cf6b501823d991db978000", password_hash: "f9216ad1e04d111473435268e0afac3cfa66eb53eb95bd42a7...">  2.1.5 :003 > user  => #<user id: 7, username: "help", salt: "8697d61a06cf6b501823d991db978000", password_hash: "f9216ad1e04d111473435268e0afac3cfa66eb53eb95bd42a7...">  2.1.5 :004 > user.verify_password('pls')  => true  2.1.5 :005 > site im developing has problem
