android - Same design for Phone Portrait, Tab portrait but Different design for Tab Landscape -

in application having 2 different design portrait mode , landscape mode(only tab 7.5" , grater). have designed layout separately

res/layout-sw720dp-land  res/layout res/layout-sw720dp-port 

for layout going use same file name. example sw720dp have detail_item.xml means res/layout-sw720dp-port & res/layout have same name detail_item.xml. design different between them.

if tab having 7.5" or grater have landscape mode, in case have portrait mode. checking using deviceconnected function.

public static void deviceconnected(final activity activity) {     sharedpreferences mprefs;     sharedpreferences.editor meditor;     mprefs = activity.getsharedpreferences("database_value",             context.mode_world_writeable);     meditor = mprefs.edit();     double screeninch = 7.5;      string ua = new webview(activity).getsettings().getuseragentstring();     if (ua.contains("mobile")) {         activity.setrequestedorientation(activityinfo.screen_orientation_portrait);         // meditor.putstring("device_mode", "tab-landscape");         meditor.putstring("device_mode", "phone");         meditor.commit();     } else {         displaymetrics dm = new displaymetrics();         activity.getwindowmanager().getdefaultdisplay().getmetrics(dm);         int width = dm.widthpixels;         int height = dm.heightpixels;         int dens = dm.densitydpi;         double wi = (double) width / (double) dens;         double hi = (double) height / (double) dens;         double x = math.pow(wi, 2);         double y = math.pow(hi, 2);         double screeninches = math.sqrt(x + y);         log.i("scrren", "" + screeninches);         // toast.maketext(activity, "" + screeninch, 1000).show();         if (screeninches >= screeninch) {             activity.setrequestedorientation(activityinfo.screen_orientation_sensor_landscape);             meditor.putstring("device_mode", "tab-landscape");             meditor.commit();         } else {             activity.setrequestedorientation(activityinfo.screen_orientation_portrait);             // meditor.putstring("device_mode", "tab-landscape");             meditor.putstring("device_mode", "tab-portrait");             meditor.commit();         }     } 

before starting activity going call check value on shared preference, set orientation activity.

string device_mode = mprefs.getstring("device_mode", "");     // set default orientation.     if (device_mode.equals("phone")) {         setrequestedorientation(activityinfo.screen_orientation_sensor_portrait);     } else if (device_mode.equals("tab-portrait")) {         setrequestedorientation(activityinfo.screen_orientation_sensor_portrait);     } else if (device_mode.equals("tab-landscape")) {         setrequestedorientation(activityinfo.screen_orientation_sensor_landscape);     } else {         finish();     }  

after setting orientation going setlayout , going declare , initialize views. works fine on if holding tab on landscape. incase of in mean time if if rotating tab portait layout loads portrait layout, not landscape. how fix issue.
