amazon web services - Does AWS Aurora suffer from the same limitations that MySQL suffer from? -

specifically, mysql has limitations max row size 64kb.
know if amazon aurora, supposedly drop in replacement mysql, shares same limitation.

well, according documentation aws:

the amazon aurora database engine designed wire-compatible mysql 5.6 using innodb storage engine.

this means innodb limits applies:

specifically row size default limit 8000b:

the maximum row length, except variable-length columns (varbinary, varchar, blob , text), less half of database page. is, maximum row length 8000 bytes default page size of 16kb; if reduce page size specifying innodb_page_size option when creating mysql instance, maximum row length 4000 bytes 8kb pages , 2000 bytes 4kb pages. longblob , longtext columns must less 4gb, , total row length, including blob , text columns, must less 4gb.
