java - Saving entity in repository does not work SPRING -

i'm trying save entity in repository not work @ all. repository autowired , in runtime use saveandflush save entity. i'm using postgresql. above test methods added comments explanation going on. expected method saveandflush should work did not. can not find why.

@transactional public class testclass{      @autowired private myrepository repository;     @autowired private entitymanager entitymanager;      // working version     public void writingtorepositoryworking() {         entitymanager.gettransaction().begin();         entitymanager.persist(new mydata(99));         entitymanager.gettransaction().commit();      }      // not working , throws exception :      // transactionrequiredexception: no transaction in progress     public void writingtorepositorynotworking() {         repository.saveandflush(new mydata(99));     }      // not working, no exception, no data in repository,      // auto generated id incremented     public void writingtorepositorynotworkingtoo() { mydata(99));     } } 

repository interface file

@repository @transactional public interface myrepository extends jparepository<mydata, long> {} 

mydata file

@entity(name = "mydata") public class mydata {     @id @generatedvalue(strategy = long id;      private int testvalue;      public mydata() { }      public bugdata(int testvalue) {         this.testvalue = testvalue;     }      public long getid() {         return id;     }      public int gettestvalue() {         return testvalue;     } } 

applicationconfiguration file

@configuration @enablejparepositories("") @enabletransactionmanagement @propertysource("") @enablewebmvc class applicationconfiguration extends webmvcconfigurationsupport {      @value("${jdbc.url}") private string key_jdbc_url;      @value("${jdbc.username}") private string key_jdbc_username;      @value("${jdbc.password}") private string key_jdbc_password;      @bean     public static propertysourcesplaceholderconfigurer propertysourcesplaceholderconfigurer() {         return new propertysourcesplaceholderconfigurer();     }      @bean     @autowired     public localsessionfactorybean sessionfactory(datasource datasource) {         localsessionfactorybean factory = new localsessionfactorybean();         factory.setdatasource(datasource);         factory.setpackagestoscan("");         factory.sethibernateproperties(hibernateproperties());         return factory;     }      public properties hibernateproperties() {         properties properties = new properties();         properties.setproperty("hibernate.dialect", "org.hibernate.dialect.postgresqldialect");         properties.setproperty("hibernate.show_sql", "true");         properties.setproperty("", "update");         return properties;     }      @bean     @autowired     public hibernatetransactionmanager transactionmanager(sessionfactory sessionfactory) {         return new hibernatetransactionmanager(sessionfactory);     }      @bean     public datasource datasource() {         basicdatasource datasource = new basicdatasource();         datasource.setdriverclassname("org.postgresql.driver");         datasource.seturl(key_jdbc_url);         datasource.setusername(key_jdbc_username);         datasource.setpassword(key_jdbc_password);         return datasource;     }      @bean     public entitymanagerfactory  entitymanagerfactory() {         localcontainerentitymanagerfactorybean em = new localcontainerentitymanagerfactorybean();          em.setdatasource(datasource());         em.setpackagestoscan("");         em.setjpavendoradapter(new hibernatejpavendoradapter());         em.setjpaproperties(hibernateproperties());         em.afterpropertiesset();          return em.getobject();     }      @bean     public entitymanager entitymanager(entitymanagerfactory entitymanagerfactory) {         return entitymanagerfactory.createentitymanager();     }      ... } 

for starter, you're working on 2 different entitymanager in non-working test case: 1 entitymanager autowired test spring (this 1 singleton , should avoided anyway) , 1 entitymanager created entitymanagerfactory configured in applicationconfiguration. @ same time, have session running along side aforementioned 2 entitymanagers due configuration of hibernate sessionfactory. additionally, because of configured hibernatetransactionmanager, transactions created @transactional bound hibernate's session created sessionfactory , entitymanager used repository has no way know it. why transactionrequiredexception thrown when repository tried persist data.

to fix it, may consider removing hibernate's sessionfactory , switch transaction manager jpatransactionmanager. then, @transactional on repository have effect of creating new transaction , binding existing entitymanager known spring.

one side note @transactional on testclass doesn't @ instance of class not instantiated , managed spring. make work, proper configuration of transactional test class needs provided described here:

hope helps.
