c# - Inherit a class with same namespace and same class name -

i manage work out in 2 classes, failed in 3. let's have assembly a.dll have namespace = "city" , class= "ny"

(i refer class in question "a")

in new project namespace = "city" , have class = "ny" (i refer class in question "b")

so implement b : (b inherit/extend a) created alies reference a.dll , in "b" class refere "extern alias olddll"

namespace city {     extern alias olddll;      public class ny : olddll::city.ny     {         public ny() : base()         {         }     } } 

this works fine! :)

the problem when try use new assebmly (b.dll / "b" class) in assembly have reference b.dll (i refer class in question "c") , create new intance of "city.ny" exception, think it's because "a.dll" not loading.

how can load (if problem) b? don't have access "c.exe" or c codes (he creating city.ny b.dll). *note: cant re compile c. can run it.

so have class "c" create class "b" inherits "a"

i thought of manualy load "a.dll" assembly in "b" code, first thing happens base() constructor.. :\

thanks helping

correct me because i'm not 100% sure have reference both assemblies working(that's way packages have dependencies, have downloaded , referenced in project).

i think won't compile either without missing assembly.
