shinobi - iOS: ShinobiChart: Continious display for discontinuous data -

i'm using shinobichart draw candlestick stock chart. data discontinuous, there gaps on chart.

anybody knows how can make show continuously? cannot find in documentation...enter image description here

ok, have found it. reference: instead of adding schartdatetimeaxis instead should add schartdiscontiniousdatetimeaxis.

then gap in dataseries have explicitly exclude time period addexcludedtimeperiod:. (you can checking whether next day same next date in dataseries).

schartdiscontinuousdatetimeaxis *xaxis = [[schartdiscontinuousdatetimeaxis alloc] init]; (nsuinteger iter = 0; iter < self.quotes.count - 1; iter++) {      nsdate* thisdate = ((tbhistoricquote*)self.quotes[iter]).date;     nsdate* nextdate = [[nscalendar currentcalendar] datebyaddingunit:nscalendarunitday                                                                    value:1                                                                   todate:thisdate                                                                  options:0];     nsdate* nextserieselementdate = ((tbhistoricquote*)self.quotes[iter+1]).date;       nscalendar *calendar = [[nscalendar alloc] initwithcalendaridentifier:nscalendaridentifiergregorian];       if ([nextdate compare:nextserieselementdate] == nsorderedascending ) {          nsdatecomponents *components = [calendar components:nscalendarunityear | nscalendarunitmonth | nscalendarunitday                                                    fromdate:nextdate                                                      todate:nextserieselementdate                                                     options:0];          [xaxis addexcludedtimeperiod:[[scharttimeperiod alloc] initwithstart:nextdate andlength:[[schartdatefrequency alloc]]]];     }  }  self.chart.xaxis = xaxis; 
