web services - C# SOAP WebService: HTTPS endpoint configuration -

in c# service must add web service reference calling metods. testing url use https protocol, i'm try edit endpoint call new address:

<system.servicemodel>     <bindings>       <basichttpbinding>         <binding name="foosoap" />       </basichttpbinding>     </bindings>        <client>       <endpoint address="http://x.x.x.x/ws_foo/foo.asmx"         binding="basichttpbinding" bindingconfiguration="foosoap"         contract="wsfooreferences.foosoap" name="foosoap" />     </client>        </system.servicemodel> 

and so, i'm trying call method in c#:

wsfooreferences.foosoapclient foows = new wsfooreferences.foosoapclient(); int iretcode = foows.ping("id12345"); 

but i've error:

the provided uri scheme 'http' invalid; expected 'https'

how can edit endpoint configuration fot case?

