sql server - SQL query to calculate interval discount -

i have trouble understanding how can solve problem t-sql query. have price column , volume column. in table have discounts @ different levels of volume. discount table have values

(startlevel, discountfactor) (0, 1); (25, 0.95); (50, 0.90); (100, 0.75) 

what want calculate total price. if volume 35, want multiply

price x ((35-25) x 0.95 + (25-0) x 1) 

if volume 200, should be

price x ((200-100) x 0.75 + (100-50) x .9+(50-25) x .95+(25) x 1) 

can me query solves this?

this can help:

declare @products table     (       id int ,       price money ,       volume int     ) declare @discounts table     (       id int ,       level int ,       factor money     )  insert  @products values  ( 1, 10, 35 ),         ( 2, 15, 200 )  insert  @discounts values  ( 1, 0, 1 ),         ( 2, 25, 0.95 ),         ( 3, 50, 0.90 ),         ( 4, 100, 0.75 )    select  p.id, p.price * sum(ca.m)    @products p         cross apply ( select    * ,                                 factor * ( -level + lead(level) on ( partition p.id order level, d ) ) m                            ( select    1 d ,                                             level ,                                             factor                                        @discounts                                       level < p.volume                                   union                                   select    2 d ,                                             p.volume ,                                             0                                 ) t                     ) ca group p.id 

without grouping returns:

id  price   volume  d   level   factor  m 1   10.00   35      1   0       1.00    25.00 1   10.00   35      1   25      0.95    9.50 1   10.00   35      2   35      0.00    null 2   15.00   200     1   0       1.00    25.00 2   15.00   200     1   25      0.95    23.75 2   15.00   200     1   50      0.90    45.00 2   15.00   200     1   100     0.75    75.00 2   15.00   200     2   200     0.00    null 

then group by product , sum of m results in:

id  total 1   345.00 2   2531.25 
