jsf - <f:ajax listener="#{bean.selectPlan}" call to @PostConstruct before execute the selectPlan method -

this question has answer here:

i have check box in application , want call selectplan method execute when user select check box

but when ever select check box call @postconstruct method before selectplan method.

this leads unwanted calls end have written functions populate data when page load in @postconstruct

<td>       <h:selectbooleancheckbox value="#{plan.checked}">          <f:ajax listener="#{planoverlay.selectplan}" render=":overlayform:mytable"/>       </h:selectbooleancheckbox> </td> 

below bean class

 import javax.faces.bean.managedbean;  import javax.faces.bean.viewscoped;   @managedbean(name = "planoverlay")  @viewscoped  public class planoverlaybean extends overlaybean {      @postconstruct     public void init() {        super.init();         loadplansfrom_db();     }      public void selectplan(ajaxbehaviorevent event) throws exception {        getoverlay().getservice().setselectedplan(rowdata);     } } 

to avoid case,we should check if postback or ajaxrequest. if bean viewscoped,you can add below code post-construct method.

maybe not best case works.

also can use jsf 2 prerenderviewevent initialization bean.

    if (!facescontext.getcurrentinstance().ispostback()) {             if (!facescontext.getcurrentinstance().getpartialviewcontext().isajaxrequest()) {        //some initialization           }  } 
