so have 2 arrays this:
array1 = {1,2,3,4}; array2 = {353, 588, 213, 353};
the numbers in array1 corresponds respective indexes in array2, means: 1 of 353, 2 of 588, 3 of 213, 4 of 353. want able merge duplicates in array 2 final 1 becomes:
array1 = {5,2,3}; array2 = {353,588,213};
i thinking looping through i'm thinking it's inefficient hoping know efficient way this.
thanks in advance!
here's example
array1 = {14,2,3,8,10,2,7,9}; array2 = {353, 588, 353, 213, 588, 213, 200, 353}; array1 = {26,12,10,7}; array2 = {353,588,213,200};
you can use diccionary key array2's value , dictionary's value count:
var dic = new dictionary<int, int>(); for(int = 0; < array2.length; i++) { int index = array2[i]; if(dic.containskey(index)) { dic[index] += array1[i]; } else { dic.add(index, array1[i]); } }
then, convert dictionary arrays again need iterate on it:
array1 = new int[dic.count]; array2 = new int[dic.count]; int position = 0; foreach (var kvp in dic) { array1[position] = kvp.value; array2[position] = kvp.key; position++; }
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