in material design mddialog documentation, i’ve noticed they’ve passed scope (without prefixed dollar sign) dialogcontroller
near bottom.
(function(angular, undefined){ "use strict"; angular .module('demoapp', ['ngmaterial']) .controller('appctrl', appcontroller); function appcontroller($scope, $mddialog) { var alert; $scope.showalert = showalert; $scope.showdialog = showdialog; $scope.items = [1, 2, 3]; // internal method function showalert() { alert = $mddialog.alert({ title: 'attention', content: 'this example of how easy dialogs can be!', ok: 'close' }); $mddialog .show( alert ) .finally(function() { alert = undefined; }); } function showdialog($event) { var parentel = angular.element(document.body); ${ parent: parentel, targetevent: $event, template: '<md-dialog aria-label="list dialog">' + ' <md-dialog-content>'+ ' <md-list>'+ ' <md-list-item ng-repeat="item in items">'+ ' <p>number {{item}}</p>' + ' '+ ' </md-list-item></md-list>'+ ' </md-dialog-content>' + ' <div class="md-actions">' + ' <md-button ng-click="closedialog()" class="md-primary">' + ' close dialog' + ' </md-button>' + ' </div>' + '</md-dialog>', locals: { items: $scope.items }, controller: dialogcontroller }); function dialogcontroller(scope, $mddialog, items) { scope.items = items; scope.closedialog = function() { $mddialog.hide(); } } } })(angular);
i've read $
naming convention , way make sure variables don't overwritten. why code failing follow convention? i.e in context, how know when use $
or not, , significance? believe in case must more naming convention, or authors have chosen use $scope
purposes of consistency.
note: aware of difference between $scope
, scope
in linking functions, scope
pointing fixed set of parameters. not believe why scope
used in context, feel free let me know if wrong.
i think docs inconsistent here - while being correct @ same time.
the scope
, $scope
here same, figured out after reading source code. culprit line inside interimelement
extended options
in turn have scope
return showdone = compilepromise.then(function(compiledata) { angular.extend(compiledata.locals, self.options); element =;
i'm pretty sure having $scope
accessible scope
incident , keep things clean 1 should use $scope
refer value provided $injector
i.e. in controllers.
i've submitted a pull request fix inconsistency , compiled a pen demonstrating usage.
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