c++ - Weird lines on camera feed with Opencv + Irrlicht on Texture Mapping -

i've been trying texturemap irrlicht 3d model opencv camera augmented reality project, im using irrlicht 1.8.1 , opencv 2.4.9, , got texturemapping done, problem there weird lines coming in camera feed , below 4fps , output appears in screenshot (below) :

enter image description here

i have following code this:

 #include <irrlicht.h>  #include "driverchoice.h"  #include <opencv/cv.h>  #include <opencv/cxcore.h>  #include <opencv/highgui.h>  #include <time.h>  #include <sys/timeb.h>   #include <opencv2\highgui\highgui.hpp>  #include <iguienvironment.h>   using namespace cv;  using namespace irr;  using namespace core;  using namespace scene;  using namespace video;  using namespace io;  using namespace gui;   #ifdef _msc_ver  #pragma comment(lib, "irrlicht.lib")  #endif   #ifdef _irr_windows_  #pragma comment(lib, "irrlicht.lib")  #pragma comment(linker, "/subsystem:windows /entry:maincrtstartup")  #endif    int main()  {  irrlichtdevice *device = createdevice(video::edt_opengl, dimension2d<s32>     (640 , 480), 16, false, true /* shadow */, false); if (!device)     return 1; device->setwindowcaption(l"hello world! - irrlicht engine demo"); ivideodriver* driver = device->getvideodriver(); iscenemanager* smgr = device->getscenemanager(); iguienvironment* guienv = device->getguienvironment(); itexture* frame_tex = driver->addtexture(vector2d<s32>(640, 480), "video_stream"); guienv->addstatictext(l"hello world! irrlicht software renderer!",     rect<s32>(10,10,260,22), true); ianimatedmesh* mesh = smgr->getmesh("e:/akshay/vs2012projects/irrlichtdemoapp/irrlichtdemoapp/ratamahatta.md2"); if (!mesh) {     device->drop();     return 1; } ianimatedmeshscenenode* node = smgr->addanimatedmeshscenenode( mesh ); if (node) {     node->setmaterialflag(emf_lighting, false);     node->setmd2animation(scene::emat_stand);     node->setmaterialtexture( 0, driver->gettexture("e:/akshay/vs2012projects/irrlichtdemoapp/irrlichtdemoapp/ctf_r.png") ); }    smgr->addcamerascenenode(0, vector3df(20,30,-50), vector3df(0,5,0)); while(device->run()) { videocapture capture(0); mat camera_frame;   if( cv::waitkey(50) >= 0 ) break; if( !capture.grab() ) {     std::cout << "unable grab camera frame\n"; } capture >> camera_frame;  if( ! camera_frame.empty() ) {     //exception here     unsigned char *tex_buf = (unsigned char*)frame_tex->lock();     unsigned char *frame_buf = camera_frame.data;     // convert rgb rgba     for(int y=0; y < camera_frame.rows; y++) {         for(int x=0; x < camera_frame.cols; x++) {             *(tex_buf++) = *(frame_buf++);             *(tex_buf++) = *(frame_buf++);             *(tex_buf++) = *(frame_buf++);             *(tex_buf++) = 255;         }     }     frame_tex->unlock();      driver->beginscene(true, true, scolor(255,100,101,140));      driver->draw2dimage(frame_tex, core::rect<s32>(0,0,640,480),         core::rect<s32>(0,0,480,640));      smgr->drawall();     guienv->drawall();      driver->endscene(); } }  device->drop(); } 

any appreciated!

thanks in advance!

i solved issue, problem laptop, tried doing in pc , working fine. because of s32 , changed u32 , works fine now. help!
