java - Search for movies with same title using Binary Search Tree -

i have project working on involves making database of movies. have movie object , problem having trouble printing out movies have same title. 1 of movies being printed out. sure search function in binarysearchtree class working because finds correctly, think stopping once search condition met , doesn't other possible movies same title. think solve need implement loop print out each movie as found when traversing binarysearchtree.

here search function in binarysearchtree:

public node search( movie m ){     if ( root == null ){         system.out.println("no items search.");         return null;     }else{         return search( m, root );     } } private node search( movie m, node n){     if ( m.compareto( n.getdata() ) == 0 ){         if(n.getleft() != null){//go left continue searching            node node = search(m, n.getleft());            if(node != null)               return node;         }         return n;     }else{         if ( n.getright() == null ){             system.out.println("item not found.");             return null;         }else{             return search(m, n.getright());         }     } } 

the implementation in main prints out 1 of movies same title (the first 1 comes across). need loop think or way keep iterating through tree.

public static binarysearchtree findbytitle( binarysearchtree tree ){     scanner input = new scanner(;     system.out.println("enter title of movie: ");     movie temp = new movie( input.nextline() );      node leftmost =;     if( leftmost != null ){            while(leftmost != null && temp.compareto( leftmost.getdata() ) == 0){                 system.out.println(leftmost.getdata());                 leftmost = leftmost.getright();            }     }     return tree; } 

first, can left entry modifying search function:

private node search( movie m, node n){     if ( m.compareto( n.getdata() ) == 0 ){         if(n.getleft() != null){//go left continue searching            node node = search(m, n.getleft());            if(node != null)               return node;         }         return n;     }     if ( m.compareto( n.getdata() ) < 0 ){         if( n.getleft() == null){             system.out.println("item not found.");             return null;         }else{             return search(m, n.getleft());         }     }else{         if ( n.getright() == null ){             system.out.println("item not found.");         return null;     }else{         return search(m, n.getright());     } } 

after getting left node, keep getting right until movie's title not equals.

node leftmost = search(m); if(leftmost != null){    while(leftmost != null && m.compareto(leftmost.getdata()) == 0){         system.out.println(leftmost.getdata());         leftmost = leftmost.getright();    } } 
