java - For loop causes: VM aborting - Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT) code=-6 -

i don't know why error thrown. when loop used app crash. importing arraylist < arraylist < point > > ndk. can't open video files in ndk opencv videoprocessing, hence getting positions javacv on java side (i new android in general , not find more elegant method)

the outer array has length of 10 (max 50) , inner has varying length (200 - 500)

i thought maybe due memory limits in android. believe cannot because ran empty loop iterating 10 times. gives me same error. don't understand error means.

i new android. can me out? how should go this? grateful , suggestions. in advance!


    // class totd obj arraylist     jclass totd = env -> findclass ("java/util/arraylist");      //methods in totd     jmethodid totd_get = env-> getmethodid (totd, "get", "(i)ljava/lang/object;");     jmethodid totd_size = env-> getmethodid (totd, "size", "()i");      //get length of arraylist  jint totd_len = env-> callintmethod (totdat,totd_size); //start loop each frame process data: jint i; vector<vector<point> > totalpnts; (i=0;i<=totd_len;i++){      //get postion data current frame     jobject fd = env-> callobjectmethod (totdat,totd_get,i);     jclass curd = env-> findclass ("java/util/arraylist");     //get methods of inner array     jmethodid curd_get = env-> getmethodid (curd, "get", "(i)ljava/lang/object;");     jmethodid curd_size = env-> getmethodid (curd, "size", "()i");     //get no. of objects found     jint objcnt = env-> callintmethod (fd,curd_size);     //extract data point     jlong j = 0;     vector<point> framepnts;     //for(j = 0; j <= objcnt ; j++){         //id objlist         jobject ptxy = env-> callobjectmethod (fd,curd_get,j);         jclass pnt = env-> getobjectclass(ptxy);         jmethodid constr = env->getmethodid(pnt, "<init>", "(ii)v");         jfieldid fix = env->getfieldid(pnt, "x", "i");         jfieldid fiy = env->getfieldid(pnt, "y", "i");          point xy;         xy.x = env-> getintfield(ptxy,fix);         xy.y = env-> getintfield(ptxy,fiy);         framepnts.push_back(xy);      //}       totalpnts.push_back(framepnts);   } 


05-08 13:30:38.593: e/dalvikvm(17064): vm aborting 05-08 13:30:38.595: a/libc(17064): fatal signal 6 (sigabrt) @ 0x000042a8 (code=-6), thread 17064 (st.trackerproto) 

im not ndk/c++ world i know debugging in ndk world complicated task. java side fatal signal n (sigabrt) (no matter happens on ndk layer) means there error happens in c++ code. wont know kind of error (however n value different 6 or 11) since java , can't know why. thinking loop issue don't know sure, maybe happens after loop or before or inside. wrong c++ code sure.
please refer debugging android ndk native apps
