javascript - Laravel 5.0 TokenMismatchException with uploadify on firefox -

hello i'm developing in laravel 5.0

currently update image file on server in js. use plugin uploadify , works on google chrome.

but on mozilla firefox exception tokenmismatchexception.

i debug middleware (verifycsrftoken) , find

$token = chbevvpy5oye3p1ide4tzhfnjwezz7i6xnk9d03r 


$request->session()->token() = ww2s9zf1xo82dxdmjxj0j5zubswkhvaderg20cmv 

that's reason of exception. don't understand why both values isn't equals. js call

<script type="text/javascript">              <?php $timestamp = time();?>             $(function() {                   $('#file_upload').uploadify({                     'formdata'     : {                         'method' : 'post',                         'timestamp' : '{!! $timestamp !!}',                         '_token'     : '{!! csrf_token() !!}'                     },                     'swf'      : '{!!asset("js/uploadify/uploadify.swf")!!}',                     'uploader' : '{!! asset("uploadify")!!}',                     'buttontext' : 'votre logo'             });         });     </script> 

this code works on google chrome ...

edit : plugin uploadify uses flash

try use this. jquery set token header in ajax request header everytime don't need setup yourself.

// setting laravel 5 xsrf-token jquery.ajaxsetup({     headers: {         'x-xsrf-token': cookie('xsrf-token')     } }); 

and here javascript cookie function.

/**  * cookie  * @param {string} name  * @returns {string}  */ function cookie(name) {     var cookie_start = document.cookie.indexof(name);     var cookie_end = document.cookie.indexof(";", cookie_start);     return cookie_start == -1 ? '' : decodeuricomponent(document.cookie.substring(cookie_start + name.length + 1, (cookie_end > cookie_start ? cookie_end : document.cookie.length))); } 
