powershell - Check if file been updated in 3 days and send email when IF matches a specific date -

i have been having issues specific if , else statement in powershell. first time attempting if , else statement, please nice.

$trend_virus_definition_up_of_date = get-item '\\<folder location>\<specific file.*>' |     {($_.fullname -match "<specific file.*>") –and            ($_.lastwritetime -ge ((get-date).adddays(-3)))} |     select lastwritetime -last 1  $trend_virus_definition_out_to_date = get-item '\\<folder location>\<specific file.*>' |     {($_.fullname -match "<specific file.*>") –and            ($_.lastwritetime -le ((get-date).adddays(-3)))} |     select lastwritetime -last 1   $trend_email_up_to_date_email_body = $trend_virus_definition_up_of_date   $trend_email_not_up_to_date_body = $trend_virus_definition_out_to_date   $trend_out_ofdate_send_email = send-mailmessage -from <email address> -smtpserver "smtp" `     -body "trend virus definitions have not been updated since '$trend_email_not_up_to_date_body'" `     -subject "trend virus definitions have not been updated since '$trend_email_not_up_to_date_body'" `     -to <email address> $trend_up_to_date_send_email = send-mailmessage -from <email address> -smtpserver "smtp" `     -body "trend virus definitions last updated '$trend_email_up_to_date_email_body'" `     -subject "trend virus definitions date - last update '$trend_email_up_to_date_email_body'" `     -to <email address>  if (($trend_virus_definition_up_of_date.lastwritetime) -eq (get-date).adddays(-3)) {     $trend_up_to_date_send_email } else {     $trend_out_ofdate_send_email } 

i have been trying work , seem missing basic.

you're overcomplicating things. statement

get-item '\\<folder location>\<specific file.*>' | {   ($_.fullname -match "<specific file.*>") –and   ($_.lastwritetime -ge ((get-date).adddays(-3))) } | select lastwritetime -last 1 

could simplified to

get-item '\\<folder location>\<specific file.*>' | {   $_.lastwritetime -ge ((get-date).adddays(-3)) } | select lastwritetime -last 1 

because there's no need filter same name twice (both in get-item , where-object).

the statement return date when file updated less 3 days ago, otherwise result $null. can use returned value decide mail send (powershell interpret $null $false in boolean expression):

$definitionuptodate = get-item '\\<folder location>\<specific file.*>' | {   $_.lastwritetime -ge ((get-date).adddays(-3)) } | select lastwritetime -last 1  if ($definitionuptodate) {   $msg  = "virus definitions date." } else {   $msg  = "virus definitions not date." }  send-mailmessage -subject $msg -body $msg -from ... 

if want include date of last update in message separate fetching date check:

$lastupdate = get-item '\\<folder location>\<specific file.*>' |               select lastwritetime -last 1  if ($lastupdate -ge (get-date).adddays(-3))) {   $msg  = "virus definitions date." } else {   $msg  = "virus definitions last update on $lastupdate." }  send-mailmessage -subject $msg -body $msg -from ... 
