api - How to feed a Google Calendar? -

i using sample feed calendar. have created client id after run project 2 errors in console shown:


<html>   <head>     <script type="text/javascript">       // client id can retrieved project in google       // developer console, https://console.developers.google.com       var client_id = '633454716537-7npq10974v964a85l2bboc2j08sc649r.apps.googleusercontent.com';        // quickstart requires read-only scope, check       // https://developers.google.com/google-apps/calendar/auth if want       // request write scope.       var scopes = ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar.readonly'];        /**        * check if current user has authorized application.        */       function checkauth() {         gapi.auth.authorize(           {             'client_id': client_id,             'scope': scopes,             'immediate': true           }, handleauthresult);       }        /**        * handle response authorization server.        *        * @param {object} authresult authorization result.        */       function handleauthresult(authresult) {         var authorizediv = document.getelementbyid('authorize-div');         if (authresult && !authresult.error) {           // hide auth ui, load calendar client library.           authorizediv.style.display = 'none';           loadcalendarapi();         } else {           // show auth ui, allowing user initiate authorization           // clicking authorize button.           authorizediv.style.display = 'inline';         }       }        /**        * initiate auth flow in response user clicking authorize button.        *        * @param {event} event button click event.        */       function handleauthclick(event) {         gapi.auth.authorize(           {client_id: client_id, scope: scopes, immediate: false},           handleauthresult);         return false;       }        /**        * load google calendar client library. list upcoming events        * once client library loaded.        */       function loadcalendarapi() {         gapi.client.load('calendar', 'v3', listupcomingevents);       }        /**        * print summary , start datetime/date of next ten events in        * authorized user's calendar. if no events found        * appropriate message printed.        */       function listupcomingevents() {         var request = gapi.client.calendar.events.list({           'calendarid': 'primary',           'timemin': (new date()).toisostring(),           'showdeleted': false,           'singleevents': true,           'maxresults': 10,           'orderby': 'starttime'         });          request.execute(function(resp) {           var events = resp.items;           appendpre('upcoming events:');            if (events.length > 0) {             (i = 0; < events.length; i++) {               var event = events[i];               var when = event.start.datetime;               if (!when) {                 when = event.start.date;               }               appendpre(event.summary + ' (' + when + ')')             }           } else {             appendpre('no upcoming events found.');           }          });       }        /**        * append pre element body containing given message        * text node.        *        * @param {string} message text placed in pre element.        */       function appendpre(message) {         var pre = document.getelementbyid('output');         var textcontent = document.createtextnode(message + '\n');         pre.appendchild(textcontent);       }     </script>     <script src="https://apis.google.com/js/client.js?onload=checkauth">     </script>   </head>   <body>     <div id="authorize-div" style="display: none">       <span>authorize access calendar</span>       <!--button user click initiate auth sequence -->       <button id="authorize-button" onclick="handleauthclick(event)">         authorize       </button>     </div>     <pre id="output"></pre>   </body> </html> 

console errors:

[error] failed load resource: server responded status of 400 (bad request) (auth, line 0) [error] refused display 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?client_id=633454716537-7npq10974v964a85l2bboc2j08sc649r.apps.googleusercontent.com&scope=https%3a%2f%2fwww.googleapis.com%2fauth%2fcalendar.readonly&immediate=true&include_granted_scopes=true&proxy=oauth2relay396521106&redirect_uri=postmessage&origin=file%3a%2f%2f&response_type=token&state=338793751%7c0.4135151437&authuser=0' in frame because set 'x-frame-options' 'sameorigin'. (about:blank, line 0) 

all want know show upcoming events calendar. have idea how solve this?

you might try make sure public calendar.

you can embed googles calendar in webpage directly- in calendars/settings

you try this: http://mikeclaffey.com/google-calendar-into-html/
