javascript - I am getting Undefined response in node.js for the request as -

i creating simple node.js application , following 4 files created . file1: index.js

var server = require("./server"); var router = require("./router") var requesthandlers = require("./requesthandlers");  var handle = {} handle["/"] = requesthandlers.start; handle["/start"] = requesthandlers.start; handle["/upload"] = requesthandlers.upload; server.start(router.route , handle); 


var http = require("http"); var url = require("url")  function start(route, handle) {     function onrequest(request,response)     {         var pathname = url.parse(request.url).pathname;         console.log("request for" + pathname + "recieved");          response.writehead(200,{"content-type":"text/plain"});          var content = route(handle, pathname)         console.log("contents is" + content);          response.write("content " +content);         response.end();     }      http.createserver(onrequest).listen(8888)     console.log("server has started"); }  exports.start = start; 

file 3:router.js

function route(handle, pathname) {     console.log("about route request for" + pathname);      if (typeof handle[pathname] === 'function')     {        return handle[pathname]();     }     else     {         console.log("no request handler found "+ pathname);         return "404 not found";     } }  exports.route = route; 

file 4:requesthandlers.js

function start() {     console.log("request handler 'start' called ");     return "hello start"; }  function upload() {     console.log("request handler 'upload' called");     return "hello upload"; }   //this allows wire request handlers router, giving our router route exports.start = start; exports.upload = upload; 

now when start index.js on terminal , request http://localhost:8888/start on browser getting output as:

 $ node index.js server has started request for/recieved route request for/ request handler 'start' called  contents isundefined 

so in server.js line //var content = route(handle, pathname) not returning proper value "hello start" . have started leaning please 1 can tell wrong ?
