javascript - open page in iframe from other iframe -

i have mainscreen 2 iframes. in iframe named (and id) "leftmenu" load frmleftmenu.php , in second iframe named (and id) "appscreen" load frmappscreen.php.

in frmleftmenu.php have tree menu (dhtmlx) , on onclick event want load page in iframe named "appscreen". handling of onclick made in frmleftmenu.php.

what best way this?

i found solutions. on onclick execute function named doonclick. there i'm testing id menu items , execute"formname.php","appscreen"); working application.

code example:

        mytree.setonclickhandler(doonclick);         function doonclick(id){              switch(mytree.getselecteditemid()){                 case 'adm_users'  :"frmusermaintenance.php", "appscreen");                                                         break;                                                }          };             
