php - Compare get values with one of the value of fields from database -

consider demo url

i know hacker or other try change digit value in url.

my question how can compare value url 1 of field's value in yes( page entries value should displayed in php?

i tried in if condition

if($_get['user_id'] == $result[0]->user_id) {     show db values } else {     show nothing } 

where $result= $this->model->edityes($_get['user_id']);

$result contain array containing fields data containing id $_get['user_id'].

all matters in equation value of $_get string sanitized before being passed database. in case user_id seems integer, it's simple as:

$user_id = (isset($_get['user_id']) && is_int($_get['user_id'])) ? $_get['user_id'] : false; if($user_id){  } else {  } 

in above we're checking if user_id param exists (?user_id=) , if it's of type int (a whole number).

meanwhile if using prepared statements, can pass value along , rest easily.

$stmt = $mysqli->prepare('select * users user_id = ?'); $stmt->bind_param('i', $_get['user_id']); $stmt->execute(); 

in way, allow mysqli driver handle sanitizing of data us, we've told bound parameter $_get['user_id'] must integer well.
