c - How to connect Gradle to custom EXE and hook its console output? -

although question involves c language, gradle c plugin, , oldschool c static analyzer called splint, believe question can answered gradle guru understands how wire gradle build executable process.

it's simple: have configured splint locally analyze simple c project's source code following command line:

splint +never-include -retvalint src/derpus/c/*.c 

i managing project's build via gradle (the c plugin), , invoke static analysis (splint) @ appropriate point in build sequence (whatever may be).

splint outputs console, , unfortunately no else. , see if can "hook" console output, check keywords ("error", "warning", etc.) , fail/halt build if splint complained anything.

and i'm trying tackle several problems here:

  • how invoke splint gradle, , @ appropriate stage? instance, whenever codenarc executes (after compile? after running tests?) when splint should invoked.
  • how pass correct command-line args splint invocation?
  • how hook splint's console output?
  • how fail build when console output contains keywords?

my best attempt far is:

task check(type:exec) {     commandline 'cmd', '/c', 'c:/splint-3.1.1/bin/splint.exe', '+never-include', '-retvalint', 'src/derpus/c/*.c'     standardoutput = new bytearrayoutputstream()      dolast {         string output = standardoutput.tostring()         if(output.contains("error") || output.contains("")) {             println "chuggington!"         } else {             println "meeska! mooseka! mickey mouse! output is: ${output}"         }     } } 

this produces:

defining custom ▒check▒ task deprecated when using standard lifecycle plugin has been deprecated , scheduled removed in gradle 3.0 :checksplint 3.1.1 --- 12 april 2003  finished checking --- no warnings  chuggington!  build successful  total time: 3.327 secs 

however i'm 100% confident workingdir , commandline args incorrect, i'm not sure how can fail/halt build inside if-statement, , i'm not sure how "position" check task occur before compilation , testing.

any ideas, gradle gurus?

workingdir directory tool should run not it's located. typically it's project directory. when comes commandline try:

commandline 'cmd', '/c', 'splint.exe', '+never-include', '-retvalint', 'src/derpus/c/*.c' 

in command above arguments should separated comma: ,.

you can omit assignment operator =.

when comes parsing output - doesn't work because in closure it's not generated yet. try:

standardoutput = new bytearrayoutputstream()  dolast {     string output = standardoutput.tostring()     if(output.contains("error") || output.contains("")) {         println "chuggington!"     } else {         println "meeska! mooseka! mickey mouse!"     } } 
