java - Why won't my compiled GWT project run in a browser? -

i have gwt project very simple: it's 1 module single entrypoint calls gwt.log in order tell me has compiled , run successfully.

import; import;  public class tester implements entrypoint {     public void onmoduleload()     {         gwt.log("i have compiled , run successfully");     } } 

it compile - spits out bunch of files in war folder.

my understanding of need run (based on need run hosted.html file in browser , of magic. i've put entire war folder on http server (so can other files without being blocked file:// stuff i've had issues in web development before) , fetched in chrome. nothing. looked @ network monitor in , recorded while refreshing page - file ever loaded hosted.html:

chrome network monitor showing hosted.html being fetched

there no errors or messages in javascript console...

the resulting hosted.html follows:

<html> <head><script> var $wnd = parent; var $doc = $wnd.document; var $modulename, $modulebase, $entry ,$stats = $wnd.__gwtstatsevent ? function(a) {return $wnd.__gwtstatsevent(a);} : null ,$sessionid = $wnd.__gwtstatssessionid ? $wnd.__gwtstatssessionid : null; // lightweight metrics if ($stats) {   var modulefuncname =;   var modulefunc = $wnd[modulefuncname];   var modulename = modulefunc ? modulefunc.modulename : "unknown";   $stats({modulename:modulename,sessionid:$sessionid,subsystem:'startup',evtgroup:'modulestartup',millis:(new date()).gettime(),type:'moduleevalstart'}); } var $hostedhtmlversion="2.1";  var gwtonload; var $hosted = "localhost:9997";  function loadiframe(url) {   var topdoc =;    // create iframe   var iframediv = topdoc.createelement("div");   iframediv.innerhtml = "<iframe scrolling=no frameborder=0 src='" + url + "'>";   var iframe = iframediv.firstchild;    // mess iframe style little   var iframestyle =;   iframestyle.position = "absolute";   iframestyle.borderwidth = "0";   iframestyle.left = "0"; = "0";   iframestyle.width = "100%";   iframestyle.backgroundcolor = "#ffffff";   iframestyle.zindex = "1";   iframestyle.height = "100%";    // update top window's document's body's style   var hostbodystyle =;    hostbodystyle.margin = "0";   hostbodystyle.height = iframestyle.height;   hostbodystyle.overflow = "hidden";    // insert iframe   topdoc.body.insertbefore(iframe, topdoc.body.firstchild); }  var ua = navigator.useragent.tolowercase(); if (ua.indexof("gecko") != -1) {   // install eval wrapper on ff avoid evalerror problem   var __eval = window.eval;   window.eval = function(s) {     return __eval(s);   } } if (ua.indexof("chrome") != -1) {   // work around __gwt_objectid appearing in js objects   var hop = object.prototype.hasownproperty;   object.prototype.hasownproperty = function(prop) {     return prop != "__gwt_objectid" &&, prop);   };   // same in our parent -- see issue 4486   // note: have changed when support non-iframe-based devmode    var hop2 = parent.object.prototype.hasownproperty;   parent.object.prototype.hasownproperty = function(prop) {     return prop != "__gwt_objectid" &&, prop);   }; }  // wrapper call js methods, need both able supply // different method lookup , exception function __gwt_jsinvoke(thisobj, methodname) {   try {     var args =, 2);     return [0, window[methodname].apply(thisobj, args)];   } catch (e) {     return [1, e];   } }  var __gwt_javainvokes = []; function __gwt_makejavainvoke(argcount) {   return __gwt_javainvokes[argcount] || __gwt_domakejavainvoke(argcount); }  function __gwt_domakejavainvoke(argcount) {   // ie6 won't eval() anonymous functions except r-values   var arglist = "";   (var = 0; < argcount; i++) {     arglist += ",p" + i;   }   var arglistnocomma = arglist.substring(1);    return eval(     "__gwt_javainvokes[" + argcount + "] =\n" +     "  function(thisobj, dispid" + arglist + ") {\n" +     "    var result = __static(dispid, thisobj" + arglist + ");\n" +     "    if (result[0]) {\n" +     "      throw result[1];\n" +     "    } else {\n" +     "      return result[1];\n" +     "    }\n" +     "  }\n"   );  }  /*  * used create tear-offs of java methods.  each function corresponds  * 1 dispid, , embeds argument count.  "this"  * value context in function being executed.  * function-object identity preserved caching in sparse array.  */ var __gwt_tearoffs = []; var __gwt_tearoffgenerators = []; function __gwt_maketearoff(proxy, dispid, argcount) {   return __gwt_tearoffs[dispid] || __gwt_domaketearoff(dispid, argcount); }  function __gwt_domaketearoff(dispid, argcount) {   return __gwt_tearoffs[dispid] =        (__gwt_tearoffgenerators[argcount] || __gwt_domaketearoffgenerator(argcount))(dispid); }  function __gwt_domaketearoffgenerator(argcount) {   // ie6 won't eval() anonymous functions except r-values   var arglist = "";   (var = 0; < argcount; i++) {     arglist += ",p" + i;   }   var arglistnocomma = arglist.substring(1);    return eval(     "__gwt_tearoffgenerators[" + argcount + "] =\n" +     "  function(dispid) {\n" +     "    return function(" + arglistnocomma + ") {\n" +     "      var result = __static(dispid, this" + arglist + ");\n" +     "      if (result[0]) {\n" +     "        throw result[1];\n" +     "      } else {\n" +     "        return result[1];\n" +     "      }\n" +     "    }\n" +     "  }\n"   );  }  function __gwt_makeresult(isexception, result) {   return [isexception, result]; }  function __gwt_disconnected() {   // prevent double-invocation.   window.__gwt_disconnected = new function();   // in timeout can sure have clean stack.   window.settimeout(__gwt_disconnected_impl, 1); }  function __gwt_disconnected_impl() {   __gwt_displayglassmessage('gwt code server disconnected',       'most likely, closed gwt development mode. or, might have lost '       + 'network connectivity. fix this, try restarting gwt development mode , '       + 'refresh page.'); }  // keep track of z-index allow layering of multiple glass messages var __gwt_glassmessagezindex = 2147483647;  // note method used function __gwt_displayglassmessage(summary, details) {   var topwin =;   var topdoc = topwin.document;   var outer = topdoc.createelement("div");   // not insert whitespace or outer.firstchild text node.   outer.innerhtml =      '<div style="position:absolute;z-index:' + __gwt_glassmessagezindex-- +     ';left:50px;top:50px;width:600px;color:#fff;font-family:verdana;text-align:left;">' +     '<div style="font-size:30px;font-weight:bold;">' + summary + '</div>' +     '<div style="font-size:15px;">' + details + '</div>' +     '</div>' +     '<div style="position:absolute;z-index:' + __gwt_glassmessagezindex-- +     ';left:0px;top:0px;right:0px;bottom:0px;filter:alpha(opacity=60);opacity:0.6;background-color:#000;"></div>'   ;   topdoc.body.appendchild(outer);   var glass = outer.firstchild;   var glassstyle =;    // scroll top , remove scrollbars.   topwin.scrollto(0, 0);   if (topdoc.compatmode == "backcompat") {["overflow"] = "hidden";   } else {["overflow"] = "hidden";   }    // steal focus.   glass.focus();    if ((navigator.useragent.indexof("msie") >= 0) && (topdoc.compatmode == "backcompat")) {     // ie quirks mode doesn't support right/bottom, support this.     glassstyle.width = "125%";     glassstyle.height = "100%";   } else if (navigator.useragent.indexof("msie 6") >= 0) {     // ie6 doesn't have real standards mode, have use hacks.     glassstyle.width = "125%"; // past scroll bar area.     // nasty css; onresize better outer window won't let add listener ie.     glassstyle.setexpression("height", "document.documentelement.clientheight");   }    $doc.title = summary + " [" + $doc.title + "]"; }  function findpluginobject() {   try {     return document.getelementbyid('pluginobject');   } catch (e) {     return null;   } }  function findpluginembed() {   try {     return document.getelementbyid('pluginembed')   } catch (e) {     return null;   } }  function findpluginxpcom() {   try {     return __gwt_hostedmodeplugin;   } catch (e) {     return null;   } }  gwtonload = function(errfn, modname, modbase){   $modulename = modname;   $modulebase = modbase;    // note order important   var pluginfinders = [     findpluginxpcom,     findpluginobject,     findpluginembed,   ];   var topwin =;   var url = topwin.location.href;   if (!topwin.__gwt_sessionid) {     var ascii_exclamation = 33;     var ascii_tilde = 126;     var chars = [];     (var = 0; < 16; ++i) {       chars.push(math.floor(ascii_exclamation           + math.random() * (ascii_tilde - ascii_exclamation + 1)));     }     topwin.__gwt_sessionid = string.fromcharcode.apply(null, chars);   }   var plugin = null;   (var = 0; < pluginfinders.length; ++i) {     try {       var maybeplugin = pluginfinders[i]();       if (maybeplugin != null && maybeplugin.init(window)) {         plugin = maybeplugin;         break;       }     } catch (e) {     }   }   if (!plugin) {     // try searching v1 plugin backwards compatibility     var found = false;     (var = 0; < pluginfinders.length; ++i) {       try {         plugin = pluginfinders[i]();         if (plugin != null && plugin.connect($hosted, $modulename, window)) {           return;         }       } catch (e) {       }     }     loadiframe("");   } else {     if (plugin.connect(url, topwin.__gwt_sessionid, $hosted, $modulename,         $hostedhtmlversion)) {       // take on onunload function, wrapping existing call if exists       var oldunload = window.onunload;       window.onunload = function() {         // run wrapped unload first in case running gwt code         !!oldunload && oldunload();         try {           // wrap in try/catch since plugins not required supply           plugin.disconnect();         } catch (e) {         }       };     } else {       if (errfn) {         errfn(modname);       } else {         __gwt_displayglassmessage(             "plugin failed connect development mode server @ " + simpleescape($hosted),             "follow troubleshooting instructions @ "             + "<a href=''>"             + "</a>");       }     }   } }  function simpleescape(originalstring) {   return originalstring.replace(/&/g,"&amp;")     .replace(/</g,"&lt;")     .replace(/>/g,"&gt;")     .replace(/\'/g, "&#39;")     .replace(/\"/g,"&quot;"); }  // lightweight metrics window.fireonmoduleloadstart = function(classname) {   $stats && $stats({modulename:$modulename, sessionid:$sessionid, subsystem:'startup', evtgroup:'modulestartup', millis:(new date()).gettime(), type:'onmoduleloadstart', classname:classname}); };  window.__gwt_module_id = 0; </script></head> <body> <font face='arial' size='-1'>this html file development mode support.</font> <script><!-- // lightweight metrics $stats && $stats({modulename:$modulename, sessionid:$sessionid, subsystem:'startup', evtgroup:'modulestartup', millis:(new date()).gettime(), type:'moduleevalend'});  // oophm supports iframelinker var query =; if (!findpluginxpcom()) {   document.write('<embed id="pluginembed" type="application/x-gwt-hosted-mode" width="10" height="10">');   document.write('</embed>');   document.write('<object id="pluginobject" classid="clsid:1d6156b6-002b-49e7-b5ca-c138fb843b4e">');   document.write('</object>'); }  // old query parameter if don't find new 1 var idx = query.indexof("gwt.codesvr="); if (idx >= 0) {   idx += 12;  // "gwt.codesvr=".length() == 12 } else {   idx = query.indexof("gwt.hosted=");   if (idx >= 0) {     idx += 11;  // "gwt.hosted=".length() == 11   } } if (idx >= 0) {   var amp = query.indexof("&", idx);   if (amp >= 0) {     $hosted = query.substring(idx, amp);   } else {     $hosted = query.substring(idx);   }    // according rfc 3986, of component's characters (e.g., ':')   // reserved , *may* escaped.   $hosted = decodeuricomponent($hosted); }  query =; if (query && $wnd[query]) settimeout($wnd[query].onscriptload, 1); --></script></body></html> 

what do?
