oracle - Copy data from table with LONG RAW column from one database to another database -

i need create job in pentaho kettle automate copying data 1 database database. facing problem while copying data table containing long raw column. have tried below listed things:

  1. i have used copy table wizard.but getting error "ora-01461: can bind long value insert long column" while copy table containg long raw column.tables in both databases same.

  2. i have tried creating oracle function use pl/sql insert long raw data binding long raw column. making call oracle function in "execute sql script" step in pentaho. select function_name(prameter1,parameter2,long raw column,.....) dual. getting error "string literal long".

any suggestion how copy long raw data having size around 89330 bytes 1 table another.

tom kyte writes:

august 26, 2008 - 7pm utc:

long raw, not going happen on database link


you can try create "temporary" table @ 1 source db convert long raw clob using function to_lob. , can transfer data destination db.

then, if absolutely need long raw data type, can convert using method described here - copying data lob column long raw column
